Together is Better
Our Online Communities
I believe in the power of connection - of putting people together through mastermind communities.
I have two communities that you will want to join.
Light Circle and The Cash Flow Machine Mastermind Community.
If you want to build a beautiful life, or long-term wealth, you must have a system (and people) to be a part of it all.

It’s not just mentorship. It’s not just a community. It’s a full
investing mastermind eco-system designed specifically
for people who are serious about their investing.
If you want safe-reliable income, our mastermind is for you.

See how the wealthy invest for
retirement; there is a three
step plan for building a
HUGE nest egg.

If you want to learn anything properly,
you need a system. Our system will
help you make passive income with all
your accounts.

Retirement is not too far away. Learn
the four biggest mistakes
people make in
their retirement fund.
Safe, Reliable Income
Most of our investors like to create income, but in today’s low-yield world, there are few choices. What if you could take the stock market and turn it into a Cash Flow Machine by “renting” out your stocks? Now, instead of getting 3 or 4 percent a year with a dividend stock you could get 2% to 4% a month from your stocks. Best of all, you can do this while actually lowering your risk vs. a regular investment in the stock market or mutual fund.
Grab a hold of lifelong winners
Most people ask “which stock should I buy?” That is only a part of the answer (the rest is the system around owing it). But buying the right stock is critical. Yet you really only need one good stock to significantly change your life. We’ve studied the best stocks of the last 120 years and have found similar traits. Learning them could profoundly improve your results.

Improve your trading results
In golf, it only takes a few tweaks to change a lifelong slicer into a golfer that hits it down the middle. In trading, you just need to learn some great fundamentals to become great at investing and your performance can massively change
Generate investment ideas
Once you understand the patterns of winning stocks from years past, you can apply them to today and find new winners. Sometimes that is most of what you need.
Financial Freedom
Were you put on this earth to work all the time? What if, instead of exchanging your time for money, you could exchange money for time? Maybe have time to go on several vacations each year with your family or friends. Maybe it’s about more time to be on the golf course, or at the spa, or just enjoying your life with people who make you laugh. That’s what life should be about. Use our programs to create the life that only a few dreamers can ever achieve

Make money in up-markets and down-markets
Almost anyone can make money when the market is going up. But what happens during the 30% of the time that the markets are going down or sideways. It’s during those times, that you can make or break your portfolio. The ability to make money in all markets is the hallmark of an excellent investor
A system to build wealth
Most people never learn about wealth. If they do, they learn the wrong way. Creating wealth really comes down to a mindset, a set of emotions around it. If you want to build long-term wealth, you must have a system with a proven set of rules that can help you to rid emotion from your decision-making.